3 easy beautiful Diwali Diya decoration 🪔/ Simple diya painting idea.

3 easy beautiful Diwali Diya decoration 🪔/ Simple diya painting idea.

Hi everyone 🙋 Welcome back to my channel 💖 In today's video I shared 3 very easy unique diya decoration idea Hope you guys are enjoyed today's video ☺️ Please comment below 📩 and let me know how is it 💝 Don't forget to hit the like button 👍 and share it 💕 If you're new in my channel then please subscribe my channel 💗 & press the bell icon 🔔 for updates 🥰 Thank you so much guys for watching my video 😊 Keep watching 💝 Keep supporting #diyapainting​ #diyadecoration​ #diwalidecoratio