HOW TO MAKE | Vanilla Pudding/ Pastry Cream 101
Hi Everyone! So glad you came back to enjoy another delicious recipe! Today I am showing you Pastry Cream hacks and tips for making the best standard vanilla pastry cream or in simpler terms, vanilla pudding. This recipe can be used for all types of desserts including Boston Cream Donuts, Tarts, Pies, Cake Filling, and even enjoying it as is just like you would pudding. Stay tuned for more recipes to come and if you head over to my Instagram, I'm always posting new exciting things on my Story and asking for what you want to see in the future... hint.... Savoury Recipes!! :) Happy Monday Y'all! Have a wonderful week and Happy Baking ! :) Recipe Below! *NOTE* I doubled the recipe below in the video because I needed more than the standard recipe. For your baking needs I don't think you would need more than the recipe indicated below so for easy single use I included the standard recipe that you can easily double or triple if you need more pastry cream. . Vanilla Pastry Cream Ingredients 500mL Whole Milk 63g Sugar 45g Egg Yolks 63g Whole Eggs 38g Cornstarch 63g Sugar 30g Butter 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract or Vanilla Bean Paste Materials Needed Food Scale Medium Sized Saucepan Medium Sized Mixing Bowl Spatula Whisk Measuring Cups & Measuring Spoons Liquid Measuring Cups Plastic Wrap Stovetop Bowl Stabilizer/ Kitchen Towel Procedure 1. In a medium sized saucepan add the first two ingredients (milk and the first measurement of sugar) and heat to a simmer. 2. While the milk mixture is coming to a simmer, whisk together egg yolks, whole eggs, cornstarch, and second measurement of sugar. 3. Once the milk mixture has reached a simmer begin to temper your egg mixture until you have incorporated all of the milk mixture. 4. Pour this mixture back into your saucepan and begin to whisk this mixture on medium heat until it thickens and comes to a boil. 5. Once the mixture has thickened, take it off the heat and pass it through a wire strainer into a heat safe glass container to ensure you have a silky-smooth texture. 6. Wrap the pudding with plastic wrap touching the top of the pudding and place it into the fridge to chill. 7. This recipe yields enough to fill one 9” deep pie shell. #pastrycream #vanilla #howtomake