Intraday profitable Options selling strategy | More than Fd returns in a month | Fully Backtested

Intraday profitable Options selling strategy | More than Fd returns in a month | Fully Backtested

I do option selling daily based on market movements. This video is a leaning video in which we will discuss options selling strategy. This will easily beat FD returns that too in one month itself. I have done full moth backtesting, so that you also get more confidence in the strategy.. Hope you earn easily with this strategy LIVE INTRADAY OPTION TRADING #nifty50 #optiontrading #boringtrades #nifty #optionsselling #learnstockmarket #learnstockmarkettrading #intraday #intradaytrading #intradaytrader Live nifty options trading strategies. Daily Trading videos upload DISCLAIMER Our video is only for educational purposes. We analyze Live Market and try to Provide learning information Content. All the Live Market views and charts shared in this video are purely for knowledge and information purposes only. The Indian Trader is not liable for any loss and profit directly or indirectly due to the information given in this video. The Indian Trader doesn't provide any types of calls or Buy Sell Recommendations to the public. It is especially important to do your own analysis & Research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. We are not 𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐈 ( Securities and Exchange Board of India ) Registered.