Liberate the Mind (Epictetus Wisdom)  #ancientwisdom #quotes #wisdoms #life #modernwisdom #stoicism

Liberate the Mind (Epictetus Wisdom) #ancientwisdom #quotes #wisdoms #life #modernwisdom #stoicism

"Only the educated are free." How do you feel when you see senior individuals working at jobs which they do not enjoy doing but need to, because of living expenses? Personally, I feel great empathy for them and at the same time thinking how we can improve the living quality for future generations? I believe one of the solution would be mindset and knowledge acquisition. Throughout the years of being a Solopreneur, I've learned and acquired many diverse skills and knowledge, from metaphysics (self-healing), to technical (java, python, robotics), to digital business, to name a few, which has opened many opportunities for me. With these knowledge and experiences, I am able to share with like-minded motivated individuals who in turn can educate and uplift their circle of influence, spreading a wave of positivity. WisdomWondersWhispers Youtube channel is another way for me to share those timeless knowledge and wisdom which has tremendously helped me along my journey and I believe will be of help to those who are ready. Don't neglect The pursuit of knowledge For it is through learning That true freedom is attained Don't underestimate The power of understanding For it liberates the mind From the chains of ignorance Invest in your education Not merely for worldly gain But for the liberation Of your intellect and spirit For in the pursuit of wisdom Lies the path to genuine freedom Remember, the journey of education is not just about acquiring facts, but about cultivating the capacity for critical thinking, self-awareness, and moral reasoning. Embrace the pursuit of knowledge as a lifelong endeavor, and you'll discover the true essence of freedom. FREE downloadable resources for you: 👇    • Greatness requires Patience (Epictetu...   #wisdomwonderswhispers #epictetus #epictetus_quotes #shorts #stoicwisdom #stoicismquotes #wisdomquotes #fyp #enlightenmentquotes #reels #divinity #newearth #philosophy