FarCry Primal | Part 12 | Bloodtusk Mammoth Hunt | The Mask of Krati | Gameplay Walkthrough

FarCry Primal | Part 12 | Bloodtusk Mammoth Hunt | The Mask of Krati | Gameplay Walkthrough

FarCry Primal | Part 12 | Bloodtusk Mammoth Hunt | The Mask of Krati | Gameplay Walkthrough "FARCRY PRIMAL" is a 2016 ACTION-ADVETURE- GAME developed by UBISOFT-MONTREAL and published by UBISOFT Mode: Single-player video game. Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Google Stadia, Amazon Luna. Everyday survival is a key aspect of the gameplay, as players have to watch out for both natural predators and rival tribesmen. The animal-taming mechanic and world design. As the game is set in prehistoric times, the traditional gunplay and vehicle gameplay featured is not available in this game " FARCRY PRIMAL" , So it is totally different experience to play and the player can only get access to melee weapons such as spears, clubs and ranged weapons such as bows and slings. There is weapons using primitive tools while surviving and the player cannot purchase weapons and must craft them using the materials scavenged in the world such as wood and stone. As the player progresses, they can craft more lethal weapons with a larger variety of resources. Besides facing natural predators, the player must also compete with other hostile tribes occupying the area. By attacking and seizing bonfires and camps, the "Wenja" tribe will move in and begin patrolling the nearby region, and the player will gain fast travel points as well as camps to rest in. The game also features a dynamic weather system and day-night cycle, which affects the gameplay. At night, more predators are present, and many become more aggressive and dangerous, whereas at the day, the player can gather food and scavenge other resources such as tools for hunting. The player can also make use of fire as a tool for personal protection or hunting at night. Well, " FARCRY PRIMAL" wildlife in the game using lures, and can also tame predators while they're feeding on the bait. A survival mode, which drastically increases the game's difficulty, was introduced. FarCry Primal Part 12 "Bloodtusk Mammoth Hunt " The Mask of Krati Gameplay Walkthrough.. Hopefully if you guys love watching our "gaming video's" please like, comments or subscribe . Please SUBSCRIBE for more "Gaming videos...    / @battledraggaming   Social link https://bit.ly/3wfHHNr [INSTAGRAM] #Gameplay_Walkthrough #BattleDrag #FarCry_Primal