Deathless Gameplay! Resident Evil 5 Xbox X Series Chapter 1 to 2 Public Assembly

Deathless Gameplay! Resident Evil 5 Xbox X Series Chapter 1 to 2 Public Assembly

We are now continuing at chapter 1 to 2 as public assembly. all clear finally safe. Chris and Sheva can find alpha team and De Chant inside underground basement. suddenly. alpha team is being attacked us by Uroboros test subject monster. remember to use the partner action and Sheva can jump reach higher. found the old building key. found the shotgun. suddenly the damsel monster has turned into a zombie again. shoot the damsel's back leg and perform a neck breaker. but too late... Kirk has lost contact with alpha team. proceed hurry to the deal coordinates. something hear a men screaming inside the room... that was part of alpha team... too late for a bad taste. Chris and Sheva kicked the door opened. Chris found De Chant he is badly hurt. Sheva just saw Irving running away escaped... De Chant earned the data drive to Chris. he downloaded from their computer. De Chant is dead now. Chris has the data drive and proceed to the storage facility. Chris and Sheva just saw alpha team's dead body. found the furnace key. and proceed to the storage facility. suddenly. Chris and Sheva just saw Uroboros test subject monster just took out alpha team! run back and return to the heat furnace machine room! now is your chance or never! use the big flammable tank bombs to knock over! this is it! Uroboros test subject monster has entered the heat furnace room! shoot the flammable tank and pull the lever with a heat machine! so close! Uroboros test subject is gone now. Chris and Sheva can proceed to the storage facility. then report this headquarters. Chris and Sheva has entered the storage facility. but Irving escaped. Chris uses the data drive and activate the B.O.W. laptop that Irving has left behind set us up. Chris asks the headquarter will analyze the data. Sheva can request mission update stands and then capturing Irving is at top priority. delta team has dispatched to the train station. headquarter said 'proceed to the mines beyond the station.' this is not insane. but Chris and Sheva are feeling expendable forever. Chris and Sheva will head to the train station. chapter 2 to 1 is next! click subscribe and like button! leave comment! use suggestions! thank you everyone for watching!