The Journey Part 5: Starting to code data for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis

The Journey Part 5: Starting to code data for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis

Welcome to this video, where you will delve into the intricacies of coding for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis. While I won't demonstrate specific mouse clicks just yet, I will provide you with a solid foundation on how to approach this process effectively. Throughout the video, we will explore various practical aspects that are crucial for successful coding. I will discuss concepts such as meaning units, segment size, and the optimal number of codes to employ. Moreover, I will guide you on recognizing when you may be heading in the wrong direction and offer insights into different types of coders, helping you identify your own coding style. By the end of this video, you will have gained valuable knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the coding process for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis. Get ready to embark on this informative journey, empowering yourself with the skills and insights necessary to excel in your coding endeavours. Are you looking to enhance your qualitative research skills by analyzing data using programs like MAXQDA, ATLAS.ti or Quirkos? We are here to help! Our expert coaches offer comprehensive online and in-person training programs that cover a range of qualitative research techniques, including interview skills and data analysis. We'll help you develop the skills you need to conduct compelling interviews, analyze qualitative data, and produce insightful research findings. Don't let a lack of training hold you back from conducting top-quality research. Visit our website at to learn more about our training programs and coaching services. You can also contact us directly at: [email protected] Take the first step towards mastering qualitative research and interviewing skills today!