Story Time on the Back Porch: Gingerbread Man Loose in the School

Story Time on the Back Porch: Gingerbread Man Loose in the School

When a class leaves for recess, their just-baked Gingerbread Man is left behind. But he's a smart cookie and heads out to find them. He'll run, slide, skip, and (after a mishap with a soccer ball) limp as fast as he can because: "I can catch them! I'm their Gingerbread Man!" With help from the gym teacher, the nurse, the art teacher and even the principal, a deliciously sweet ending is served up for both the Gingerbread Man and the children who made him. Teachers often use the Gingerbread Man story to introduce new students to the geography and staff of schools, and this fresh, funny twist on the original can be used all year long. The story is written by Laura Murray and illustrated by Mike Lowery. You can get your own copy with an activities poster at the following link. For more read aloud stories please subscribe to the Lisa Spencer Youtube Channel.