Unbox the Crochet Amigurumi Advent Calendar and Crochet Christmas Ornament Tutorial

Unbox the Crochet Amigurumi Advent Calendar and Crochet Christmas Ornament Tutorial

Unbox day 1 and 2 I purchased the Yarnspirations Red Heart Crochet Amigurumi Advent Calender (that's a mouthful) from Walmart. You can find it here: https://walmrt.us/4eAnZiu I've been wanting to crochet Amigurumi for a while now and thought this was a fun way to start. To my surprise, it's much easier than I thought and a lot less time-consuming. In this video, I open day one and day 2 and use the contents of day 2 to crochet a ginger breadman ornament (totally gave away the surprise) If you like the video, thumbs up and subscribe. Thanks for watching #crochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochet #Amigurumi #crochetchristmasornament #crochetamigurumi Chapters Unboxing day one 2:45 Unboxing day two 3:30 Crochet Amigurumi Ginger bread man Tutorial: Start - 06:18 Head -Round 1: 06:45 Head - Round 2: 09:20 Head - Round 3 12:00 Head - Round 4 14:40 Head Round 5 16:20 Head Round 6 18:30 Head Round 7 20:00 Body Body Round 1 21:25 Body Round 2 22:55 Body Round 3 and 4 24:25 Body Round 5 24:45 Leg Leg Round 1 27:15 Leg Round 2 30:00 Leg Round 3 30:18 Leg Round 4 31:25 Leg 2 Start 34:07 Round 1 34:41 Round 2 35:20 Round 3 35:37 Round 4 37:15 Arms 37:55