How To Draw Christmas Drawing / Winter scenery Painting / step by step for beginners

How To Draw Christmas Drawing / Winter scenery Painting / step by step for beginners

Hello friends, Marry Christmas to all.🎄🎄🎄 Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world In this drawing video tutorial I will show you How to draw a very easy but beautiful scenery drawing of Christmas. I am using watercolours and poster colours to draw this drawing but you can use any colors you like. You can aslo use this drawing for : Christmas easy drawing christmas day drawing christmas day painting christmas drawing tutorial winter scenery drawing winter snow scenery drawing christmas celebrations drawing christmas scenery drawing christmas drawing step by step christmas drawing hard christmas festival drawing christmas decoration drawing christmas night drawing christmas home drawing christmas house drawing christmas landscape drawing christmas poster painting christmas painting with watercolours christmas painting art क्रिसमस ड्राइंग क्रिसमस ट्री चित्र क्रिसमस की ड्राइंग if you like the video don't forget to subscribe my channel for more videos. SUBSCRIBE 👇👇👇    / @gurzaibart   join and be friends🙂 👉Facebook -   / gurzaib   👉Twitter -   / gurzaib1   👉Pinterest - 👉Instagram -   / gurzaib_art   #christmas #artchallange #gurzaib