Precautions with Homeopathic Medicine | होम्योपैथिक दवा के साथ कौन सी सावधानियां रखनी चाहिए

Precautions with Homeopathic Medicine | होम्योपैथिक दवा के साथ कौन सी सावधानियां रखनी चाहिए

#trending #homeopathicmedicine #homeopathy #homeopathic होम्योपैथिक दवा खाने के साथ कौन सी सावधानियां रखनी चाहिए. Precautions with Homeopathy Medicines. precautions with homeopathic medicine. homeopathy. What to avoid when you are on homeopathic medicine. What to eat & what to avoid with homeopathy medicines. Don’t Take Homeopathic Medicines Until You Watch This! Liquid Dilution, Mother Tincture. What to eat and avoid when on homeopathy. How to take Homeopathic Medicines | होम्योपैथिक दवाएं कैसे लें | Food to avoid | Precautions during Homeopathic Treatment | क्या परहेज करना चाहिए होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन लेते समय. Watch this video to know how to take homeopathic medicines. what is the proper method to take dilution homeopathic medicine, mother tincture homeopathic medicine, bio combination homeopathic medicine medicine. what should be the time difference between food and medicines as well as what food should be avoided. Thanks and Regards, Dr. Homeo Gyan Homeopathy Homeo Gyan homeogyan . Homeopathic medicines are aimed at improving the level of health by stimulating the self-regulatory mechanism. Improving the level of health implies reducing any disease process as well as the susceptibility to illness and disease. That means that it is not limited to certain diseases but is universally applicable to all kinds of diseases.