7 Surprising Benefits of Eating Raw Onion You Never Knew
Learn about the amazing benefits of eating raw onion. Raw onions are not just about making you cry or flavoring your meals. They pack a punch, offering a myriad of health benefits. We're talking about fighting diseases, boosting your health, and even things you might not expect like improving your mood or helping with your skin. Sound interesting? Let's dive into the top 7 benefits of eating raw onions. Number one, raw onions are antioxidant powerhouses. Remember that study done by Cornell University back in 2004? It showed that onions, especially raw ones, have higher levels of antioxidant compounds compared to cooked ones. So, why is this good for us? These antioxidants neutralize harmful substances in our bodies, keeping our cells in tip-top shape. Moving on to number two, for those worried about heart health, raw onions have got you covered. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a research in 2015 that linked onion consumption to a decreased risk of heart disease. They contain flavonoids, which help keep our heart pumping strong. You see, it's like having an army guarding your heart. Now, number three is a bit unexpected. Remember when you were told to drink milk for strong bones? Well, guess what? Onions got this, too. A study done in 2009 at the University of Bern showed that onions can help improve bone density. Especially useful for the ladies out there, huh? Alright, onto number four. Our digestive health. A little surprising? It was for me too. But according to a research published in the Food and Function Journal in 2018, onions can do wonders for your gut. They contain prebiotics, which essentially feed our gut bacteria, helping our digestion run smoothly. Imagine it like fertilizer for your internal garden. Fifth on our list might blow your mind a little. Onions can help boost your mood. Yeah, you heard that right. As per a study from the Harvard Medical School, published back in 2017, the folate in onions can help reduce depression. It's like your daily dose of sunshine, but in food form. Sixth, who doesn't want glowing skin? Well, the International Journal of Cosmetic Science published a study in 2016 showing that raw onions can actually help improve skin health. They contain vitamins A, C and E, which can help keep your skin glowing and healthy. No expensive creams needed, right? Finally, number seven. And this one's a biggie. Boosting your immune system. The Biomedical Reports Journal in 2019 stated that the selenium in onions helps improve our immune response. It's like having your personal bodyguards fighting off germs. So, there you have it folks! The top 7 benefits of munching on raw onions. Who knew, right? So, next time you see an onion, give it the respect it deserves. It's doing a whole lot more than just flavoring our meals. If you enjoyed this video and learned something new, please remember to subscribe, share this with your onion-loving friends, and leave a comment down below. Maybe you've experienced some of these benefits yourself? Or have other cool facts about onions? We'd love to hear from you! Until next time, here's to health, happiness, and onions!