#Lemongrass // All about lemongrass (नींबू घास) // Lemongrass Herbal #Plant #Care And #Maintenance
#Lemongrass // All about lemongrass (नींबू घास) // Lemongrass Herbal #Plant #Care And #Maintenance #lemongrass #lemongrasstea #lemongrasscare #lemongrasscaretips #LemongrassBenefits #UsesOfLemongrass #howtogrowlamongrass Hi, friends, lemon grass is having amazing medicinal properties. you should grow it in your garden to take maximum benefits of it. नींबू ghat दिखने में बहुत ही साधारण लग सकती है l लेकिन इसमे बेमिसाल औषधिय गुन हैं ।इसलिए आप इसे जरूर उगाए ।जानकारी के लिए आप यह विडियो देख सकते हैं और अधिक या अन्य के लिए प्रश्न करें। About place: place them in a bright, south facing window. keep soil barely moist, as plants grow very slowly in winter.another option is to store a part of lemongrass cut down, in a cool, dark place like a basement, water just few times over winter to keep roots alive. sun light of place: lemongrass prefers a location with full sunlight exposer for the best growth. if you care to grow it indoors aur just want to move it indoor in the winters, be sure to other place in it in a window that get 6 hours of Sunlight per day aur provide a sun lamp. Watering : lemongrass loves hot, humid environment. it can be grown in drier regions As Long As You water it regularly. you may water it twice in a week if it is in ground. water it once in a day when it is in pot. Harvest and storage: #lemongrassharvest # lemongrassplant #lemongrassflower #lemongrassoil Your Queries: lemongrass care, growing of lemongrass, complete information about lemon grass, how to grow and care lemongrass, lemongrass care, how to propagate lemongrass plant, how to propagate lemongrass, how to grow care and propagate lemongrass, how to grow fair and propagate lemon grass plant, lemongrass ke bare mein Puri jankari, lemongrass farming, farming of lemon grass, how to grow lemongrass from seeds, lemongrass with exam kaise karen gamle mein, Ghar per nibandh Grah ko Bij Se Kaise ugae, how to grow lemongrass in pot, how to prepare keep lemongrass in pots, how to grow lemongrass in a container at home, growing lemongrass, lemongrass, how to grow lemongrass in a container at home, lemongrass Propagation, how to grow lemongrass at home, how to grow lemongrass in Hindi, how to grow lemongrass in India, grow lemongrass in pot, grow lemongrass in pot from seeds, how to grow lemongrass in pot, lemongrass agriculture, lemongrass black tea, lemongrass chai, lemongrass tea, घर पर लेमनग्रास कैसे उगाए, कैसे उगाए लेमनग्रास घर पर, lemongrass growing, growing lemongrass, lemongrass how to use, how to use lemongrass, uses of lemongrass, lemongrass uses, benefits of lemongrass, lemongrass benefits, lemongrass क्या है, क्या है लेमनग्रास लेमनग्रास, कैसे उगाते हैं यह lemongrass, कैसे उगाए घर पर lemongrass, कैसे उगाए गमले में लेमन ग्रास, कैसे उगाए lemon grass, कैसे उगाए लेमनग्रास गमले में, lemongrass easy to grow, lemongrass easy groom from cuttings, how to grow lemongrass from cuttings, #lemongrass #lemongrass_care_caretips Lemongrass Benefits : Good For Digestion.... Full Of Antioxidants.... Regulates High Blood Pressure.... Boosts Metabolism And Burns Fats.... For Naturaly Great Skin And Hair.... Heals cold and flu.... Relieves Menstrual Pain.... Like/ Comment /Share And subscribe Thank you so much, Thanks for watching...🙏🙏🙏 #sunitisarkar