How to kill keeper of flaming mountains boss fight black mythwukong easy kill 4k 2160p
From Furnace Valley's The Emerald Hall Shrine, just proceed forward and a cutscene will start that will lead to a fight with Keeper of the Flaming Mountains, and he relies on summoning guais in between phases. After the body of Ma Tianba is defeated, he drops the Yin-Yang Fish to have it fight against the Destined One instead. Following his defeat, he disappears from the story, but is mentioned to have given Red Boy a false death talisman.#livestreaming #blackmythwukonggameplay4k #eldenring As king of the monkeys, it is his duty to keep track of and protect every monkey. Sun Wukong acquires the 72 Earthly Transformations, which allow him to access 72 unique powers, including the ability to transform into animals and objects. He is a skilled fighter, capable of defeating the best warriors of heaven @Bossfightmusic @BlackMythGame @gameplay @live @YouTube @BlackMythGame#gaming #blackmythwukonggameplay4k #livegaming #games #livestreaming #gamer #eldenring #ps5 #playstation #new #newvideo #newgameplaymissonpolice #4k #4kvideo #fullhdmovies #full