प्रिज्म | संक्षेत्र | What Is a Prism In Hindi | Dr Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids
Prism | Polyhedron Prism | What is Prism | Types of Prism | Prism Forms | Prism Functions | Refraction Of Light | Transparent Prism | Prism In Hindi | Refraction of light through a prism | Prism Shape | Rainbow Reflection From Prism #Prism #DrBinocs #BinocsKiDuniya क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि इंद्रधनुष में और आपके आसपास अलग-अलग रंग कैसे होते हैं ?? Dr.Binocs यह वीडियो देखें कि प्रिज्म क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है! Have you ever wondered how there are different colors in a rainbow and around you?? Watch this video by DR. Binocs to learn What a prism is and how it works! Stay Tuned For More Kids Fun Content !! SUBSCRIBE to Binocs Ki Duniya : https://bit.ly/SubscribeToBinocsKiDuniya Credits - Copyrights and Publishing: REPL All rights reserved.