3rd Sunday Worship Service (November 17th, 2024) | St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church BlackBottom

3rd Sunday Worship Service (November 17th, 2024) | St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church BlackBottom

Pastor Rev. Dr. E.C. Gregory Sermon Message & Scripture- "God Has Not Given Us Fear" | Timothy 2: 1-9 Key Points to Remember: 1. 2. 3. 3rd Sunday November 17th, 2024 Worship Service at St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church BlackBottom Jacksonville, FL (November 17th, 2024) "The Church Where Everybody is Somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord, Everso in Blackbottom" http://stjosephblackbottom.org/ . . . . #sjmbc #jesuschristislord #christian #life #missionarybaptist #bibleteaching #biblepreaching #eversoinblackbottom