Main Door Entrance Decoration | Nilaivasal Alangaram & kolam |Turmeric & Kumkum Decoration | Rangoli

Main Door Entrance Decoration | Nilaivasal Alangaram & kolam |Turmeric & Kumkum Decoration | Rangoli

#youtube #rangoli #muggulu #kolam #kolamdesigns #muguludesigns #festival #festivalrangoli #goodvibes #god #pooja #devotional #bakti #morning #viral #sunrise #kolam #chalkpiece #design #desi #art Kumkum is associated with MahaLaxmi, who is goddess of wealth which brings happiness and prosperity. So to invite her , Kumkum is used. Haldi (turmeric ) has many meanings here, A) It is associated with Vishnu, so if Laxmi will come with Vishnu, she will reside for more time. B) definitely it's a natural repplellent, so keep insects away. D) this is lesser known. There is a twin sister of goddess laxmi known as alaxmi, who is goddess of wealth and money which brings tensions and difficult situations, nobody wants her to come in the house, so to keep her out of the house, haldi is putted on the door, because alaxmi doesn't likes it. Turmeric & kumkum Decoration idea for main door entrance Nilaivasal Alangaram & kolam rangoli design for main door entrance Gadapa muggulu designs simple & easy design rangoli simple kolam design border rangoli border kolam rangoli for festival rangoli for Friday Pooja kolam for festival kolam for Friday Pooja muggulu designs muggulu for festival chalk piece rangoli beginners rangoli beginners designs