These 30 Business Tax Write Offs Can Save You $100K in Taxes
By A Trusted CPA: The Ultimate Guide To Tax Write-Offs for Small Businesses! Get a Free Tax Consultation: https://mycpacoach.com/contact/ Learn How To Save Thousands Of Dollars In Taxes By Taking Advantage of Small Business Tax Deductions! If you earn any business income, whether it's through an LLC, S-Corp, or simply through a side hustle, side gig, or as a 1099 contractor, listen up because this video will help you put some money back into your pockets. There are over 30 million businesses in the US. And 90% of them will overpay on taxes when they file their next return. And why is that? It’s simple. They miss some or ALL of the tax write-offs that are covered in this video. So save this video, use it as a checklist, share it with someone who needs it, heck you might even need to share it to your accountant. Importance of Tax Write-offs: (0:00) #1 Writing off Home Expenses: (2:00) #2 Avoid Self Employment Tax: (3:08) #3 Write-off Depreciation on Assets: (4:36) #4 Write-off 20% of Business Income: (6:24) #5 Write-off Your Car: (7:25) #6 Write-off A Vacation?: (8:12) #7 Write-off Restaurant Meals: (9:00) #8 Write-off Your Kids: (9:55) #9 Write-off Your Employees: (10:35) #10 Write-off Retirement Contributions: (11:16) #11 Write-off Your Pension: (12:11) #12 Write-off Your HEALTH Expenses: (13:00) #13 Write-off Your Health Insurance Premiums: (13:44) #14 Write-off Business Insurance: (14:30) #15 Write-off Advertising: (15:00) #16 Write-off Education Expenses: (16:05) #17 Write-off Your Cell Phone: (17:04) #18 Write-off Your Rent: (17:37) #19 Augusta Strategy: (17:59) #20 Write-off Your Utilities: (18:45) #21 Write-off Office And Tech: (19:00) #22 Write-off Repair Expenses: (19:45) #23 Write-off Your Lawyer: (20:25) #24 Write-off Your Contractors: (21:20) #25 Write-off Your Bank Fees: (21:55) #26 Don't Forget Merchant Fees: (22:28) #27 Write-off Business Loan Interest: (23:05) #28 Write-off Business Taxes: (23:45) #29 Create Tax Write-Offs: (24:25) #30 Section 162 Write-Offs: (25:20) #taxdeductions #taxwriteoffs #businesstax Want the print version of this video? Read our blog post here: https://mycpacoach.com/blog/small-bus...