1 Food I Stopped Eating to Combat Leptin Resistance #shorts
1 Food I Stopped Eating to Combat Leptin Resistance #shorts Dr. Janine shares one food she stopped eating to combat leptin resistance. She is referring to fruit and fruit juices, especially in the winter. She explains that depending on your climate fruit and fruit juice, which is high in fructose, can contribute to fatty liver disease. With leptin resistance, you will crave more sweets and high-fructose foods. Dr. Janine recommends fixing leptin resistance by doing things like eating a high-protein breakfast, with little carbs and no juice. Follow for more leptin resistance tips. Watch the Dr. Janine Show Live -Online every Tuesday at 11am EST -And chat with Dr. Janine live during the show. Connection with Doctor Janine: Instagram: / doctorjanine Facebook: / drj9live Twitter: https://twitter.com/drj9live?lang=en Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@j9naturally?l... YouTube: / vitatree Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/drj9live BeStill By Dr. Janine ND: / @bestilldrjanine #leptinresistance #fructose #fattyliver J9CON230746