Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD - LIVE NOW: HOLY MASS 11:00AM | Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025 at the Diocesan Shrine
Live Now | Online Holy Mass. “The Pilgrims’ Mass” – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle (Opus Sancti Petri). Sunday, February 23, 2025 – 11:00am. This Holy Mass is celebrated via online and presided by the Rev. Fr. Agerico “Jerry” M. Orbos, SVD (Missionary to SVD-PH Central Province) at the Diocesan Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word at Christ the King Mission Seminary, Quezon City. First Reading: (1 Sm 26: 2, 7–9, 12–13, 22–23) Responsorial Psalm: (Ps 103) “The Lord is kind and merciful.” Second Reading: (1 Cor 15:45–49) Alleluia: (Jn 13:34) “I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you.” Gospel: (Lk 6:27–38) Prayer of the Faithful: “Lord of mercy, hear our prayer.” * For Mass Intentions: www.bit.ly/shrinemassintentions For Special Masses: www.bit.ly/specialonlinemass * (ctto: To All Pictures/ Music/ Videos used - No Copyright Infringement Intended.) * May GOD bless you and your family always and in all ways! #LIVEmass #SVD #DSJDW #CtKMS #SVDmission #DivineWord #ThinkSVD #PromotionToLOVEtheWORDofGOD #WitnessToTheWord #ThinkMission #commitedToHISmission #DSJDWholymassLIVE #RootedInTheWORD #SVDonlineMass “May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the word and the spirit of grace. And may the Heart of Jesus live in every heart! Amen.” (St. Arnold Janssen, 1837-1909)