Lec 23 | Ch# 9 | First Order Differential Equation | Ex 9.3 Q15 | Method by S.M Yusuf

Lec 23 | Ch# 9 | First Order Differential Equation | Ex 9.3 Q15 | Method by S.M Yusuf

#math #mathematicalmethod #differentialequation In this video I tell about The course of Differential Equation from the following book "Mathematical Methods by S.M Yusuf" In this lecture we discussed about the Second type of Differential Equations which is Non-Homogenous Differential Equations and solution of these. Exercise # 9.3 Question 15 solved in this lecture. If you want to see the previous lecture click on the link given below:    • Lec 22 | Ch# 9 | First Order Differen...   if you have any queries then contact me. Instagram :-   / themathematician0211   Facebook :-   / husnain.7981