"I Could Use a Boost" by Kris Bowers「AMV」The Wild Robot
Mar2025 edited by Ymbecill I had a good cry watching this film. I yearned for a reminder of this masterpiece. The footage: The Wild Robot (2024) The music: I Could Use a Boost (OST of The Wild Robot) • I Could Use a Boost The software: DaVinci Resolve 19 The log: At first I planned an all in effort but in the end I decided to go by feel. 1) I picked a song - usually in a film there is "that one track" which really stands out. Here it is "I Could Use a Boost" (also "Roz’s Story"). 2) Then I divided the song into parts according to gradation. 3) Now the "go by feel" comes in. At first I tried to map the movie and choose the perfect scenes in order to make a recap = too hard. So I just listened and let an image to pop up in my mind - then found the scene and trimmed it accordingly. 4) As for synchronizations there are some that I intentionally adjusted to somewhat match: comleting translation, the gusling meets its mother, the house completed, sleeping time, commences the sprint and task completed. 5) The thumbnail is made from multiple layers - up to bottom: elispse mask of the head, 50% opacity full picture, WILD ROBOT logo without background, divided into seperate words, 100% opacity full picture. The goal was to have the rays of light situated in front of the words. Verdict: Easy and enjoyable editing. Fun fact: I wanted to link some video about soundtrack and while searching I saw one with multiple scenes that I used too. You may not believe me but I only watched that vid after finishing this AMV :) Sad fact: The vid is partially blocked by copyright holders in 20 countries or so. YT states the 8% loss of the usual audience. #thewildrobotmovie #amv #dreamworks #krisbowers #icoulduseaboost #ost