Nani Teri Morni ko mor le gaye | Hindi Balgeet & Hindi Rhymes | Animted Songs by Jinlge Toons
This is most popular Hindi Balgeet & Hindi Rhyme which all the Indian kids even today. Nani Teri Morni ko Mor Le Gaye Baki Jo Bacha Tha Kale Chor Le Gaye See the naughty kids and Grand Mother-Nani having a great fun time together. Other must-watch Songs: Ek Bandar Ne Kholi Dukan | एक बंदर ने खोली दुकान • "Ek Bandar Ne Kholi Du... Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Man Jao | दादी अम्मा मान जाओ • Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Ma... Hamma Hamma | हम्हा हम्हा • Hamma Hamma | Marathi... Other must-watch Stories: Jadui Matka | जादुई मटका • Jadui Matka जादुई मटका... Vichitra Pradhan | विचित्र प्रधान • Vichitra Pradhan विचित... Goldilocks And The Three Bears - Fairy Tale • Goldilocks & Three Bea... Download Jingle Toons Android App https://play.google.co... Nani Teri Morani is very popular Hindi song Best animation treat to Kids !!! #Naniterimorni #hindiRhymes #nani