Resident Evil 6 Chapter 3 Altar Corridor #re6 #gameplay

Resident Evil 6 Chapter 3 Altar Corridor #re6 #gameplay

#vindsoenigma STAGE 3-1 -- ALTAR CORRIDOR ALTAR CORRIDOR - PLATFORM BELOW PRIMITIVE ALTAR Leon and Helena will start out facing the wooden platform that Deborah fell off of at the end of the last chapter. There is nothing else to do in the current area, so turn around and step down the corridor ahead. There is a set of doors with levers on both sides of them in the room at the end of the corridor. ******************************* SERPENT EMBLEM ****************************** Campaign: Leon, Chapter 3 Location: Altar Corridor - Platform Below Primitive Altar At the start of chapter 3, Leon and Helena will be facing the wooden platform that Deborah fell off of at the end of chapter 2. Turn around and move down the corridor directly ahead. The characters will reach a room with a set of doors in between two levers up ahead. Tilt the camera upwards and look to the left to see a serpent emblem high up on a ledge along the left wall. Shoot it with a gun. Both players need to use the partner assist button near the levers to open the double doors. The characters will step into the Catacombs area during the cutscene. STAGE 3-2 -- CATACOMBS CATACOMBS - ENTRANCE CORRIDOR --Search the catacombs Leon and Helena will talk while moving down the corridor ahead. Follow the corridor and break the two -POTS- off to the right and the -SMALL POT- near the fallen coffin to the left. CATACOMBS - WATERY GATE AREA The characters will be broken up once again shortly after Helena uses the crank to open the gate with the red crystal on it for Leon. They will be separated for much of the rest of this portion of the chapter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LEON GAMEPLAY -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Objective: Reunite with your partner Helena will be carried toward the watery area across from the right set of ropes on Leon's side. She will get attacked by zombies and a Bloodshot. It's a good idea to help her out here, but not from the current area. Quickly run up the steps and look to the right to get a great view of Helena's current location. Leon will have another gate in front of him at the top of the stairs it has a blue crystal in the middle of it. Collect the -7.62 NATO AMMO- from the side railing for some extra rifle ammo then break the two -POTS- on each end of the top portion of the stairs for extra pickups. Equip the semi-auto sniper rifle and shoot the zombies that attack Helena. Helena must defeat all the enemies on her side before she can use the crank on her side. The crank on Helena's side will open the gate with the blue crystal in front of Leon. Get ready to defeat the zombie behind the gate as it opens. Run toward the crank handle with the red crystal on it and rotate it to open the gate in front of Helena on the other side. Helena will get stuck behind a spike trap that she can't get by on the floor below. Leon should run and slide up under the spinning blade trap on the walkway up ahead of him. Crawl up under the blade trap then move to the other side. Don't worry about the dead body off to the right. It won't reanimate... yet. Break the -POT- to the right up ahead. There is a spike trap that now blocks Leon's path. Don't even try to run through that. Look off the railing to the left to find a zombie that rotates a crank handle. He is actually controlling the spike traps in this area. Blast him from a distance with your handgun and kill him to stop the spike trap on your side and on Helena's side. Now Helena can move once again. STAGE 3-3 -- CAVERN CAVERN - SOUTH SIDE Objective: Find the exit from the cave Leon and Helena have now entered an area that is even older than the Catacombs that they were in. The Cavern is more ancient than Heihachi from the Tekken series.Be forewarned that this area has a bunch of randomly spawning zombies in it.Some of the spawns are scripted, but there is always a chance that a zombiemight sneak up on your character. The spitter zombies in this area can getquite annoying with their long range spit from long range and high ledges. Itseems like there is constantly a zombie spawning from some spawn point for themajority of this area. Below is a map of the Cavern. It's pretty linear, but I thought a map would help. CAVERN - WEST SIDE CAVERN - NORTH SIDE CAVERN - EAST SIDE CAVERN - SOUTHEAST SIDE CAVERN - SOUTH BOTTOM FLOOR STAGE 3-4 -- UNDERGROUND WATER CHANNEL UNDERGROUND WATER CHANNEL - WATER SLIDE Leon and Helena will start out sliding down a water channel at this part. There is no need to steer them while they slide. There are no items to collect either. They will land in some water at the bottom of the channel. UNDERGROUND WATER CHANNEL - FLOODED CATACOMBS --Objective: Avoid drowning while looking for the exit I must admit, that objective is kind of funny. Try to find the way out and avoid drowning while you're at it! Anyway, here are the controls for swimming. If you've played Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS, the controls are similar.