미국을 뒤흔든 매카시즘의 뒷배는 '케네디'? | 매카시, 매카시즘, 케네디

미국을 뒤흔든 매카시즘의 뒷배는 '케네디'? | 매카시, 매카시즘, 케네디

#매카시 #매카시즘 #케네디 미국을 뒤흔든 매카시즘의 뒷배는 '케네디'? 흥미진진한 미국 정치사의 뒷이야기| 매카시, 매카시즘, 케네디 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@gmail com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Tye, L (2020, July 10) How Joe McCarthy (yes, that McCarthy) helped launch the Kennedy dynasty BostonGlobe com Roberts, S (2005, April 4) The dentist McCarthy saw as a threat to security The New York Times Mixson J M (1997) Dr Peress and the downfall of Senator Joseph McCarthy Journal of the history of dentistry, 45(2), 63–69 Baker, R (2018, June 5) Why Robert Kennedy transformed from a conservative into a liberal champion of civil rights Smithsonian Magazine Cava, M D (2023, July 26) Fact-checking “Oppenheimer”: Was Albert Einstein really a friend? What’s true, what isn’t USA TODAY Air, F (2016, July 5) From “Runt Of The Litter” To “Liberal Icon,” The Story Of Robert Kennedy NPR