Ascending 7th Chord Arpeggios in C Major

Ascending 7th Chord Arpeggios in C Major

Downloads:   / ascending-7th-in-124394406   Continuing our series looking at arpeggiating 7th chords across the neck, here are here are shapes to play 7th chord arpeggios in the key of C major. All of the root notes are on the A string. A 7th chord is a four-note chord that adds a 7th interval to a basic triad, giving it a richer and more complex sound. In addition to being a great exercise, 7th chord arpeggios can be a great way to add a little extra flavor to your melody writing or lead playing. Keep an eye out for the next parts of this series! Download the TABs at (NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED!) Patreon ➡️   / theguitarpost   TikTok ➡️   / theguitarpost   Instagram ➡️   / theguitarpost   YouTube ➡️    / @theguitarpost   Email for Business Inquiries ➡️ [email protected] #theguitarpost #guitars #guitar #guitarist #guitarplayer #music #guitarporn #guitarsdaily #guitarsolo #guitarsofinstagram #guitarra #musician #electricguitar #rock #guitarcover #guitarworld #guitaristsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitargear #fender #gibson #ibanez #prs #guitarlove #guitarists #guitarrista #rocknroll #musicians #guitarplayers #guitarriff #guitarlick #guitarlife #guitartips #guitarlessons #guitarpost #instaguitar #dailyguitar #guitartabsdaily #guitarteacher #electricguitar #instaguitarist #instaguitars #guitarpro #beginner #lesson #arpeggios