NCBF Sermon Live Stream: Sunday, March 17

NCBF Sermon Live Stream: Sunday, March 17

Sermon Live Stream March 17, 2023 FIND US: Our website: Our SermonAudio page: Our Facebook page: ABOUT US: New Covenant Bible Fellowship (NCBF) started as the result of a church plant in August 2000. We are an informal family of believers who meet in Gilbert, Arizona. We are Reformed in that we hold to the Doctrines of Grace and the Five Points of Calvinism. We also practice believer’s baptism, and we teach from the point of view of New Covenant Theology. SERMON LIVE STREAMS: Our sermon live stream starts from 10:30 am to 11:00 am (MST) every Sunday #bible, #god, #jesus, #jesuschrist, #church, #NewTestament, #NewCovenant, #NCBF, #sermon, #live, #livestream