Third Sunday of Easter — Sunday, April 14, 2024
The bulletin for today's service can be found here: http://www.trinityvictorville.org/bul... (The words will also be on the screen.) We invite you to join us in person or here online on Sundays at 9:30. See all the details about current Covid-19 precautions here: http://www.trinityvictorville.org/ind... To contribute to Trinity's ministry, click here: http://www.trinityvictorville.org/onl... Today's worship: The gospel for the third Sunday of Easter is always one in which the risen Christ shares food with the disciples, meals that are the Easter template for the meal we share each Sunday. In today’s gospel, Jesus both shares the disciples’ food and shows them the meaning of his suffering, death, and resurrection through the scriptures, the two main elements of our Sunday worship. The rights to reproduce lyrics and to stream/podcast the music and liturgy in this service are held through OneLicense.net #A709459 and CCLI license #2764795 and/or through retention.