THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 14, 2024 AS WE GATHER We are refreshed in the forgiveness of Christ. Through His Word, our sins are blotted out. This is God’s love for us-in Christ, we are called children of God. The very wounds of Jesus confirm His grief, His sacrifice, His death foretold by Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. His resurrected presence with the disciples leaves no room for doubt. Now repentance and the forgiveness of sins may be declared boldly everywhere, in the name of Jesus. St. Paul Lutheran Church A Member Congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod We greet and welcome all guests and visitors worshiping with us today. We hope that the message you hear today will strengthen your understanding and faith in God’s plan to save us from sin and death through Jesus Christ. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please introduce yourself to Pastor Mat. If you are without a church home, we invite you to join us here at St. Paul. ORDER OF WORSHIP DIVINE SERVICE 3 Ringing of the Bell Hymn of Invocation 482 Invocation p184 Confession/Absolution p184 †The Service of the Word † Introit p186 Kyrie p186 Gloria in Excelsis p187 Salutation/Collect p189 First Reading p911 Acts 3:11-21 Psalm 4 Front of Hymnal Epistle Reading p1022 1 John 3:1-7 Alleluia/Verse p190 Holy Gospel p885 Luke 24:36-49 Nicene Creed p191 Hymn of the Day 828 Sermon Offertory p192 Offering (please sign attendance book in pew) Prayer of the Church † Service of the Sacrament † Preface p194 Sanctus p195 Lord’s Prayer p196 The Words of our Lord p197 Pax Domini p197 Agnus Dei p198 Distribution Hymns 623,464,790,477 Nunc Dimittis p199 Thanksgiving p200 Salutation and Benedicamus p201 Benediction p202 Hymn to Depart #90