2023-12-10 @ Berhan Semay Church of Toronto (Sermon by :Abraham Gebremeskel)
Welcome! to BERHAN SEMAY CHURCH OF TORONTO, ERITREAN CHRISTIAN ONLINE YOUTUBE CHANNEL.IN Tigrigna Eritrea ( Ertra) East Africa, christian mezmur 2021 SUBSCRIBE now to get notification for new videos. ተባረኹ!! ብርሃንኪ መጺኡ፡ ክብሪ እግዚኣብሄር ከኣ ወጺኡልኪ እዩ እሞ፡ ተንስኢ፡ ብርሂ። ኢሳይያስ 60:1 Berhan Semay (Heavenly Light) Church of Toronto, BSCT, is an Evangelical Eritrean Church located at 1108 Greenwood Ave Toronto, ON, Canada ON M4J 4E6. East in Toronto, Canada. BSCT is a Canadian registered charity and has been serving its community faithfully in the greater Toronto area since August 19, 1999. Our sole purpose is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all people through bible based teachings of the word of God and worship. Our weekly services: Sunday morning service starts at 10:30 AM On the first Sunday of each month -- we celebrate Communion (the Lord’s Supper) Every Wednesday & Thursday home cell bible study in various locations of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Thursday morning prayer starts at 10:30 AM Friday prayer night starts at 7:00 PM On the first Saturday of each month Women's Ministry service starts at 4:00 PM Every second Saturday Young Adults service starts at 6:00 PM You are invited to come and join our weekly services to celebrate Jesus with us. For more information and prayer requests, please contact us at: Email: [email protected] Phone: +1-647-247-3969 Address: 1108 Greenwood Ave, East York, Ontario M4J 4E6 CANADA YouTube: / berhansemay FaceBook: https://www.fb.com/bsct.org Thank you for watching our channel. #EritreanChurchTorontoCanada #BerhanSemayChurchToronto #2021NewMezmurTigrignaEritrea © Copyright: Berhan Semay Church Media Ministry reserves all rights of ownership. Please do not copy, alter and re-upload content of the video illegally.