Mamaw's Old Fashioned Chicken Stew
Tink's Mama was the best cook in these here parts and we're pretty sure this recipe was handed down for generations. This is an easy dish that will please the entire family. Moe's favorite time to fix it is when it's cold outside but it's good year-round! Makes a great leftover too! Recipe (modified for today's cooks) 4 Large Chicken Breasts (Bone in or boneless) 4 Medium size Potatoes (cubed) 1 Large Onion (chopped) 1 Large Can Whole Tomatoes (cut up) 2 Cans Cream Style Corn 1 1/2 Cup Macaroni elbows 1/4 Cup Sugar Salt & Pepper to taste Boil Chicken breasts and remove from broth. Pull chicken apart and set aside. Strain broth and return to large stew pot or ex. large dutch oven. To broth, add 4 medium potatoes and 1 large onion. Cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes then add tomatoes, cream style corn and macaroni. Stir frequently to keep the starchy corn and macaroni from sticking. After it's cooked 5 minutes, add your sugar, again, stirring frequently to avoid sticking and scorching. Reduce heat and cook until done. When macaroni is tender, add your chicken back in and stir to mix. Simmer for about 15 minutes. It will thicken as it gets done. Add salt and pepper a little at a time to taste. This stew is great as a left-over. Just add a little water, heat it up and eat it again! Makes 5 Quarts of stew so make sure you have a large stew pot. Enjoy!