Opening to Atlantis Milo’s Return 2003 VHS
Tape distributor: Walt Disney Home Entertainment Original release date: May 20, 2003 Tape print date: April 16, 2003 Duplicated by Technicolor Home Entertainment Services Contents: 1.) Navy Blue FBI Warning screens (2000-2005) 2.) Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo (2001-2008) 3.) The Lion King Platinum Edition trailer 4.) "Coming Soon to Theaters" filmreel ID (1999-2006) 5.) Finding Nemo trailer 6.) "Coming Soon to Own on Video & DVD" filmreel ID (1999-2006) 7.) The Jungle Book 2 trailer 8.) Stitch! The Movie trailer 9.) Bionicle - Mask of Light: The Movie trailer 10.) "Now Available to Own on DVD" filmreel ID (RARE FILMREEL ID RIGHT HERE) 11.) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Special Edition trailer 12.) "Feature Presentation" filmreel ID (1999-2006)