How to sing like Paul McCartney | Vocal Techniques | Bluebird
THESE BEATLES VIDEOS MAY END! PLEASE DONATE TO KEEP THEM ALIVE!: ➡ https://goo.gl/ldPTmk —— WATCH HOW I RECORD MY VOCALS! ➡ https://bit.ly/2B7kgZU https://www.fruduamusic.com - How to sing like Paul McCartney | Bluebird | Wings lesson by Galeazzo Frudua. BLUEBIRD VOCAL HARMONY ➡ Bluebird Wings vocal harmony lesson: • How to sing Bluebird Wings VOCAL HARM... ポール・マッカートニーのように歌う方法 _______________________________ SINGING LESSONS WITH GALEAZZO FRUDUA , WRITE ME ➡ [email protected] _______________________________ NEED TO BREAKDOWN A VOCAL HARMONY? WRITE ME ➡ [email protected] _______________________________ NEED A VOCAL HARMONY ARRANGEMENT? WRITE ME ➡ [email protected] _______________________________ WATCH HOW I RECORD MY VOCALS! ➡ https://bit.ly/2B7kgZU FACEBOOK ➡ / galeazzo.frudua INSTAGRAM ➡ / galeazzo.frudua TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Introduction 00:41 Vocal demo 01:20 Guidelines before starting 02:24 The sound of the "R" 02:34 Vocal consistency + demo 03:03 The use of portamento style in the song + demo 04:04 Vocal analysis of the first verse + demo 04:28 How to recreate McCartney's vocal technique and vocal tone + demo 06:06 The difficulty of the vocal passaggio + demo 06:48 Vocal analysis of the refrain + demo 08:00 Vocal analysis of the second verse + demo 08:46 Vocal analysis of the chorus + demo 09:18 Vocal analysis of the middle eight + demo 09:40 Vocal analysis of the last verse + demo 10:45 Vocal analysis of the ending + demo 11:11 The last vocal falsetto + demo 11:35 The importance of speaking softly in everyday's life + demo 11:58 Outro #paulmccartney #paulmccartneybluebird #bandontherunalbum