Fix Your Incline Bench Press in 60 seconds! || QUICK FORM TIPS #SHORTS
If you can't bring the barbell to your chest on every rep, the issue is never "long arms". It's usually a lack of mobility, unpacked shoulders or a combination of both. However, whatever the case may be, in time you can easily fix your form and be on your way to a stronger incline bench press with these tips. Then when you're ready, take 1 scoop of N.O.-Xplode VASO pre-workout for a massive PUMP and the kind of energy & focus that'll help you train harder than ever! #BSN #SPONSORED 📨 Join My MAILING LIST: https://muscularstrength.com/mailing-... 🏆💪🏻 CHECK OUT MY HOME & GYM WORKOUT PROGRAMS: https://muscularstrength.com/program-... 💯🏋️ONLINE COACHING: https://muscularstrength.com/consulta... 📱 INSTAGRAM: / scotthermanfitness 📱 TIKTOK: / scotthermanfitness JED NORTH – SCOTT15 - FOR 15% OFF https://jednorth.com/discount/SCOTT15 ---------------------------------------- BSN SUPPLEMENTS - SCOTT - 20% OFF & FREE SHIPPING! https://bsn.mvk.co/235mr ---------------------------------------- IronBullStrength Fitness Equipment – MS10 – 10% OFF https://int.ironbullstrength.com/?ref... ---------------------------------------- ICON MEALS - MS10 (10%) https://athlete.iconmeals.com/2379.html ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! https://muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- GUARANTEED GAINS "FREE PROGRAM DOWNLOAD" - https://muscularstrength.com/guarante... #ScottHerman #Bench #MuscleGain