Astros VS Dodgers ⚾LIVE MLB Watch ⚾Reaction-Chat Interaction HOUvsLAD
Astros VS Dodgers ⚾LIVE MLB Watch ⚾Reaction-Chat Interaction HOUvsLAD Dodgers VS Astros ⚾LIVE MLB Watch Party ⚾Reaction-Chat Interaction LADvsHOU The Los Angeles Dodgers #Dodgers face the Houston Astros #Astros for live action in Major League Baseball. Live reaction to in-house action. Heavy chat interaction. PLAY BY PLAY CALL. #LADVSHOU #astros #dodgers #MLB #houstonastros #losangelesdodgers #astrosdodgers #dodgersastros #dodgerslive #astroslive #dodgersbaseball #bluecrew #losevasores ⚾MLB BASEBALL ⚾HOUSTON ⚾DODGERS ⚾ASTROS ⚾LOS ANGELES ⚾LIVE BASEBALL Live reaction to in-house action. Heavy chat interaction. PLAY BY PLAY CALL. The stream will go online 20 minutes early so we can go over all pregame MLB information. Join Pete & Preston for their interactive game-day play-by-play from a baseball fanatics perspective. Streams of MLB on the Pete McDevitt Show are for entertainment purposes only. Content will consist of live streams with interactive play by play, reaction, and commentary of live MLB games. LOS ANGELES DODGERS vs. ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS -🔴⚾MLBLIVE - LIVE BASEBALL - LIVE WATCH MLB ⚾Astros ⚾Houston Astros ⚾astros ⚾Los Angeles Dodgers ⚾Dodgers ⚾dodgers ⚾Baseball ⚾Live ⚾LiveStream ⚾PlayByPlay ⚾Scoreboard ⚾Baseball ⚾Live Baseball ⚾Baseball Live ⚾baseball scoreboard ⚾astros ⚾dodgers ⚾MLBLIVE ⚾houstonastros ⚾losangelesdodgers ⚾MLB ⚾baseball live ⚾astrosdodgers ⚾dodgersastros ⚾dodgerslive ⚾astroslive ⚾astrosvsdodgers ⚾dodgersvsastros ⚾dodgersnation ⚾astrosnation ⚾dodgersbaseball ⚾astrosbaseball ⚾losvalientes ⚾bluecrew ⚾loscascabeldiamante ⚾losevasores Pete & Preston Info: Email inquires to [email protected]. Producer Preston’s Channel: / @producerpreston5194 We love to receive mail @: Pete McDevitt Show P.O. Box 24117 Halethorpe, Maryland 21227 Reach Pete: Twitter @McdevittPete Instagram @pete_mcdevitt Facebook Group Page - Disney Chaos Clubhouse: https://www.facebook.com/groups/65953... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pete_mcdevi... BECOME A VIP CHANNEL MEMBER NOW! / @petemcdevittshow Support the channel: PAYPAL'S go to: https://www.paypal.me/oscpete VENMO'S go to: @Peter-McDevitt-4 PARTNER CHANNELS: Dadbuildz - / peeweesdaddy (executive producer) Meyers & The Mouse - / meyersandthemouse1 Dis Our Dream - / disourdream Disney_World_Freak - / disneyworldfreak Dole Whip Dad - / dolewhipdad LEAD MODERATOR - T’Maries’s Place - / tmariesplace MUSIC - Pearl MANHATTAN - / pearlmanhattan CHAOS CLUBHOUSE CRUSADERS. ~ Channel Endorsed Realtor: Cristina Wittmann Realtor - Disney loving local @cristinawittmannrealtor · Real Estate Agent FACEBOOK: / cristinawittmannrealtor INSTAGRAM: / cristinawittmannrealtor LINKEDIN: / cristina-... Email - [email protected] CHAOS CLUBHOUSE CRUSADERS. ~Channel Endorsed Cleaning Company: Do you need the best professional cleaning for your home or business in the New England Area? Check out Clean Look cleaning services at https://clean-look.com or on Facebook at / clean-look-cleaning-service-155199874516356 CHAOS CLUBHOUSE CRUSADERS. ~ Clubhouse Endorsed Channels: Casey Bryant - YouTube / @caseyscorneroftheworld Disney Dynamicks - YouTube / @disneydynamicks Lovin’ DisWorld - Youtube (executive producer) / lovindisworld Dan Wynne - Disney Worlders YouTube - / teletran35 Facebook - / 291704021289297 Magically Mad Adventures - YouTube / magicallymadadventures Being Ajanclair - YouTube / beingajanaclair Zoelle’s World - YouTube / zoellesworld We are now featured content on Magic of the Mouse RADIO: MONDAY’S & THURSDAY’S @8PM Website up for Magic of the Mouse Radio: https://www.wdizdb.com/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q... Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Magic-of-the-M... Google Assistant:https://assistant.google.com/services... Streaming 365:https://streaming.live365.com/a07079