Claim Your REWARD: Partnering in Ministry | GARY KEESEE | 💰 Fixing the Money Thing

Claim Your REWARD: Partnering in Ministry | GARY KEESEE | 💰 Fixing the Money Thing

Subscribe to our channel: ‪@GaryKeesee‬ Follow for more insights: 📖 Get FREE E-Book "Occupy Your Destiny" by Gary Keesee - Claim Your REWARD. GARY KEESEE IN THIS EPISODE: In this powerful teaching from Luke 5, we dive into the miracle of the sinking boats. Peter's simple act of obedience—"because you said so, I will"—triggered God's grace, filling his boat with fish. But it didn't stop there. James and John, just by partnering and helping, experienced the same overwhelming blessing. You don't always need a direct word from God—sometimes, stepping in to help brings you into the flow of His grace. Watch to learn how partnership in faith can lead to extraordinary blessings! Next Steps: 1️⃣ Watch Free Episodes - Learn Kingdom principles that will drastically change your life. 2️⃣ Read Gary's Blog - Get clarity, encouragement, and tools to discover your unique purpose. GO TO BLOG 3️⃣ Get Mentorship - Join Gary's partnership program, Team Revolution, for personalized mentorship. LEARN MORE About "Fixing the Money Thing": Dedicated to helping you discover and apply the laws of the Kingdom of God to transform your life and finances 📖. Gary and Drenda Keesee guide you on the path to true prosperity ✨. __________________________________________________________________ ⛪️ Gary and Drenda pastor Faith Life Church at 💡 The Now Center in New Albany, Ohio and also are the CEOs of Forward Financial Group 💡Check out Drenda’s Facebook page / drendakeesee 💡 Check out Drenda’s website