Natural birth vlog. No epidural. Longest 8 hours of my life.
A very special video 🤍 Still not quite over the fact that I. HAD. A BABY!! The labor and delivery of our sweet baby. Going unmedicated was the hardest, but most empowering experience ever ! When people ask, "How does it feel to be a mom? Is giving birth painful? Best ke ada anak?" It's hard to explain. I usually just say, "It's amazing, but wow... life is so different now, in a good way." But the truth is, I have so much more to say, but I don't know how to put it into words. To anyone trying to have a baby, I pray 2025 will be your year of blessings This birth vlog is a very raw such an intense experience, but certainly brought the best thing I could have ever imagined into my life. I am so thankful. I feel incredibly thankful! Can't believe our BABY is finally earth side:) #baby #babyboy #birth #raw #vlog #syukur #alhamdulillah