REMOVE ANCESTRAL POVERTY Programming & Money Blocks for Wealth Abundance Sub (Norse Energy Healing)

REMOVE ANCESTRAL POVERTY Programming & Money Blocks for Wealth Abundance Sub (Norse Energy Healing)

Poverty is inherited, just like wealth. This video includes my unique disruption sigil, channeled by me through spirit, via my Norse ancestors; to shift energy and belief patterns, and create new beginnings. Listen as much as you like, ideally before sleeping! Ancestral patterns can sometimes take a while to release. This is an INTENSE and slightly DARK energy healing, typical of Norse energy work that has a heavy focus on dealing with the shadow and things we would rather not look at. If you feel uncomfotable during this healing - THAT'S A GOOD SIGN - it is clearing your long held limiting beliefs that your subconcious is scared to let go of. You can buy my sigils via my Etsy store: This video may give you a headache, or make you feel slightly disoriented as it is a POWERFUL energy healing, designed to completely shift your vibration and belief system to that of ABUNDANCE. Allowing you to manifest money easily. I have use layered subliminal affirmations that are extremely subtle and bypass your conscious mind, to remove inherited poverty beliefs and reinstate the belief that you are abundant, can have success, and be financially free. The name ‘Demonetta’ comes from my ex boyfriends’ best friend, who hit on me and called me a ‘Demonette’ when I turned him down. I found it amusing and have used the name ever since. Disclaimer: subliminals and energy healing is experimental/entertainment only, results are not guaranteed. For entertainment purposes only. #norseenergyhealing #moneysubliminal