January 15, 2023 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 15, 2023 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we begin the period in the church year known as Ordinary Time. However, this long thirty-four week period is anything but ordinary because during this time we see the beautiful story of our salvation unfold through the life and teaching of Jesus. It’s called Ordinary only because it stands outside the more heightened celebrations of the Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter seasons. As we begin our Sunday celebrations in Ordinary Time, the Word of God invites us to put our focus on Jesus, providing several different names or titles for him. In our Gospel passage John the Baptist calls him “Lamb of God” and “Son of God.” Paul in our second reading calls him the “Christ” and “Lord,” and Isaiah in our first reading speaks about the “Servant of the Lord,” a title early followers attributed to Jesus. Each of these titles reveals something about Jesus as the one we are to follow. As “Lamb of God” he makes the one true sacrifice that delivers us from sin and death. As “Son of God” Jesus invites us to share in his own unique relationship of intimacy with the Father and so we too become children of God. As the “Christ” and “Lord” he is the anointed one of God who leads us into the Kingdom of God. As “Servant of the Lord” he is the chosen servant of God who sets the example of justice for us to follow that God’s salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI (Homily given by Fr. Bill Mason, OMI)