Painting Fast and Loose Nasturtium in Acrylics
This fast-paced painting is done with quick, gestural strokes and a loose, impressionistic style. Painting fast and loose can be very freeing and can open up your work to a more painterly style. After a brief introduction, you'll see a sped-up version and hear my thoughts for keeping this painting fresh. This channel is designed for the beginner and more advanced artists. I try to post videos that will help you grow in your skills and confidence. Please consider subscribing, so you don’t miss anything new. Here’s the link: / @joyfulartvictoriahagaman4563 If you’re interested in seeing me paint with full instruction and real-time brushwork, check out my website at http://victoriahagamanart.com where you will find very reasonably priced courses and shorter tutorials. There you can also see my available paintings. 25% of my painting sales goes to Hydrating Humanity to build water wells. You can beautify your home while beautifying a life! Check out the link to learn more: http://hydratinghumanity.org You can contact me at [email protected]