Leawood United Methodist Church -- December 20, 2020 Worship -- Fourth Sunday of Advent

Leawood United Methodist Church -- December 20, 2020 Worship -- Fourth Sunday of Advent

Welcome to worship at Leawood United Methodist Church on this fourth Sunday of Advent, December 20, 2020! Our Worship Notes are below. (click on SHOW MORE) --------------- WELCOME! We are so glad you are worshiping with us today! Leawood UMC: Welcoming our Neighbors, nurturing journeys with Christ, and serving people in need - generation to generation! Find out more at www.leawoodumc.org/ -------------- Worship Participants: -- This morning's liturgists are Rachel Anderson, Sherri Anderson, Wayne Byrd, Landry Clement, Maryn Clement, Rachel Clement, Mark Dolliver, Marsha Kurth, Rev. Kent Melcher, Molly Stasieluk, and Linda Zemke. -- Today’s musicians are Lori Adami - piano/organ, Karen Fremar - percussion, Anna Cuthbertson -viola, Caleb Cuthbertson - cello, The Leawood UMC Bell Choir, and Melanie Melcher Cuthbertson – song leader. — The Children’s Message is given by Marsha Kurth. Today's Music: -- Today’s Prelude is “The First Noel,” arranged by Melody Bober (Lillenas Publishing). — The “Angels Among Us” theme song is written by Marcia McFee and Chuck Bell (2017). — The Opening Song of Praise is “Angels from the Realms of Glory” with words by James Montgomery (1816) and music by Henry Smart (1867). — “Away in a Manger” is a traditional carol with music by James Murray (1887). — “Rise Up, Shepherds” is arranged by Mark Hayes (GlorySound). — “In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful” is played during our time of prayer. It is written by Jacques Berthier (1991, GIA Publications). — Our Offertory today is “Brightest and Best of the Stars,” by the Bell Choir from our 2019 Christmas Cantata arranged for piano by Carol Tornquist (Alfred Pub.) It is written and arranged by James Harding and Bruce Tippette (Jubilate Music Group). —The Closing Hymn, “The First Noel,” is a traditional English carol (1871). — The music for our Gingerbread House Party slideshow was written by Gavin Lendt (www.gavinlendt.com). — Today’s Postlude is a “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen,” arranged for piano by Michael T. Smith (Word Music). Worship Design: —“Angels Among Us” worship elements, including the Candlelighting, Scripture reading, and words to the Doxology are written by Marcia McFee and www.worshipdesignstudio.com. — The angel artwork includes work by Thomas Cole. -- Visual elements are provided by www.shiftworship.com. Thanks also to Insung Yoon for the use of our “Angels Among Us” theme image, and to Rayner Simpson, Roan Lavery, Dan Kiefer, Tim Umphreys, and Sam Barber for their images, all via www.unsplash.com. Giving: Thank you for supporting the ministries of Leawood United Methodist Church through your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. You may give online at www.leawoodumc.org or mail a check to Leawood UMC, 2915 W 95th St, Leawood, KS 66206. Please call the office at 913.648.2131 with any questions. --------- Leawood UMC STAFF: Rev. Howard Johnson, Pastor Rev. Lois Johnson, Deacon Stacy Lendt, Family Ministries Coordinator Melanie Melcher Cuthbertson, Dir. of Worship Arts Dayna Peacock, Administrative Assistant Lori Adami, Accompanist/Organist Gavin Lendt, Video Director Barbara Beadle, Treasurer Andrea Bennett, Bookkeeper Rachel Stasieluk, Wedding Coordinator