Corel draw 2017 class 76 object menu create symbol  Urdu/Hindi

Corel draw 2017 class 76 object menu create symbol Urdu/Hindi

Symbol play a very important role to save our time if we create an object and save as symbol we use it, again and again, we no need to create it again this video helps us to understand the process how we create a new symbol and add in symbol manager we also learn edit symbol, finish editing symbol, revert to object, break the link, and export library option in Corel draw in Urdu/Hindi language if you exciting to explore all the essential tools and option of Corel draw and wish to improve your knowledge and ability Join us and explore the new way of learning end feel comfortable to represent your ideas in the field of vector graphic #coreldraw, #objectmenu, #symbol, #symbolmanager, My name is Mubina Bari, and I am an experienced Graphic Design Trainer and also an experienced teacher of MS Office In my channel “effort for success” I educate and motivate aspiring graphic designers, with exciting techniques The music used in my video I download it YouTube audio library You may also join our other free online course click below the link to joining my courses Graphic designing beginner to advance complete course    • graphic designing theory Urdu/Hindi   Corel draw complete course for beginner    • Corel draw 2017 class 1 introduction ...   All about color beginner guide    • Additive color subtractive color prim...   All about font complete guide    • different type of font in Urdu/Hindi   MS Word complete course for beginner    • MS word tutorial class 1 introduction...   MS Excel complete course for beginner to advance    • MS excel 2013 class 1 introduction te...   MS Powerpoint complete course    • MS power point tutorial class 1 intro...   Important excel formula    • MS excel 2013 formula concatenate Urd...   Bar code    • what is bar code and how it's work Ur...