Learn Colors with PACMAN and Farm Bunny Mold Watermelon Tomato Street Vehicle for Kids || Part - 1
Learn Colors with PACMAN and Farm Bunny Mold Watermelon Tomato Street Vehicle for Kids || Part - 1 Hi everyone! I brought a Drill Construction vehicle today! When the Drill Construction vehicle breaks down heavy stones, It's also used to dig tunnels that we can pass through. So, why don't we put together the Drill Construction from the amazing Blender Toy? Let's learn the structure of a car by assembling the Drill Construction! #LearnColors #MagicWater #kidsvideo #childrenvideo #learncolor #kidssong #education #flyingcar #educationforbabies #videosforbabies #babiesvideo #babys #streetvehicle #toyscars #carsforkids #soccerball #nurseryrhymes #constructionvehicle #assemblystreetvehicle #longervideos learn colors,pacman,for kids,monster pacman,pacman animation,pacman vs,pacman video,pac man 3d,pac-man,pacman 3d