Get Ready for the CMA PLACEMENT Journey with Akshay Sen:What We Learned at Campus Training Session 1
Telegram Group link :- TELEGRAM GROUP :- https://t.me/CMAPLACEMENT2023 For paid full Classes Enquiry whatsapp :- http://wa.me/+919649221222 or call :- 9649-221-222/9649-447-444 For Classes enquiries- www.gyansagarclasses.com , www.cmacart.com For directly purchasing classes Download CMA CART APP Now: http://on-app.in/app/home?orgCode=unfzu For Regular Updates Telegram Channel link :- https://t.me/CMAAKSHAYSEN1 Instagram Id :- https://instagram.com/cma_akshay_sen?... CMA FINAL CLASSES :- • CMA FINAL CLASSES CMA INTER CLASSES :- • CMA INTER CLASSES CMA FOUNDATION CLASSES :- • CMA FOUNDATION ABC ANALYSIS :- • ABC ANALYSIS CMA INTER DIRECT TAX :- • CMA INTER DT 2022 SYLLABUS MARATHONS :- CMA FOUNDATION - • CMA FOUNDATION MARATHON CMA INTER - • CMA INTER MARATHON CMA FINAL - • CMA FINAL MARATHONS In this first CMA Campus Training Session, AKSHAY SEN from CMA will be talking about the CMA Placement Process and the types of CMA Courses offered by CMA. He will be covering topics such as the CMA Test, Essay Writing and Grammar and will also be discussing the CMA Credentialing Process. If you are planning on taking any CMA Courses, this is the Training Session for you! This session will give you an overview of the CMA Placement Process and the types of Courses that CMA offers. You'll also learn about the CMA Credentialing Process, and what it takes to be successful in the CMA profession. Attend this session if #CMA #ICMAI #CMAAKSHAYSEN GYAN SAGAR CLASSES BEST CMA CS CA COACHING IN JAIPUR AND INDIA :- https://goo.gl/maps/dgFiRsDEY73YFAvJA