Just Potato and Egg! Quick breakfast in 5 minutes. Simple and delicious potato recipe

Just Potato and Egg! Quick breakfast in 5 minutes. Simple and delicious potato recipe

Subtitles are available in all languages. you can enable subtitles in your subtitle language SUBSCRIBE👍 :    / @simplecooking-o6l   Just Potato and Egg! Quick breakfast in 5 minutes. Simple and delicious potato recipe Ingredients: 3 potato 2 egg salt 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp oil. my dear Friends, if you liked my video recipe, help develop the channel: Rate the video! Put 👍 - I would be very grateful and it will help the development of the channel. Write your COMMENT and ask me questions about recipes. I'll be happy to answer you. 📢 You can also share this video with your friends, click the arrow in the right corner below the video. Subscribe to the channel, turn on the bell🔔 not to miss a new video with tasty and fragrant recipes. Thanks for your time!