Tracer Pack: Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles - LEONARDO Operator Bundle
In this video I purchase and review the NEW Tracer Pack: Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles - LEONARDO Operator Bundle in Black Ops 6 and Warzone! This bundle costs 2400 COD Points and includes the new Leonardo Operator, 3 Weapon Blueprints with Tracers and Death Effect, a Finishing Move and MORE! ✭MERCH! https://greyfromyoutube.creator-sprin... ✭If you want to extend your support: Paypal: paypal.me/greya88 ✭Become a Member (3 Different Tiers): / @greyfromyoutube ✭AFFILIATION ▶︎GFUEL: Use code "YTGREY" https://sldr.page.link/EnRV ▶︎KontrolFreek: Use Code "Grey" https://www.kontrolfreek.com/ ▶︎AimControllers: Use Code "Grey" https://us.aimcontrollers.com/ref/352/ ✭FOLLOW ME: ▶︎KICK: https://kick.com/greyfromyoutube ▶︎TWITCH: / greyfromyoutube ▶︎TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@greyfromyoutu... ▶︎Twitter: / greyfromyoutube ▶︎Instagram: GreyFromYoutube ▶︎Snapchat: AlfredoGrey ▶︎Discord: / discord 🎶Music🎶 ▶︎https://greyalfredo.bandcamp.com/music ▶︎ / alfredogrey Subscribe to "GreyGamesShorts" / @greygamesshorts7758 ✔︎DROP A LIKE ON THIS VIDEO! ✔︎SQUAD UP! (SUBSCRIBE) #blackops6 #callofduty #tmnt