ASMR Reiki for Trust/Energy Work for Practicing Trust with Grace/Healing Session with a Reiki Master
Hello Everybody, Welcome to my Channel! I hope you're all doing well. Sending you a gigantic virtual hug! I recorded this about a week ago, and since then I've had some issues on my channel. Many of you who are subscribers here might have seen me post about this in the Community Tab, and to all of you I just want to say a big, huge, THANK YOU!! Honestly, your kindness and support gave me so much life these past few days. How did I get so lucky. Thank you thank you thank you. Basically, all of my videos have been demonetized because of copyright claims on my music. So, now the party making these claims has control over almost all of my content and is apparently placing mid-roll ads throughout to generate more revenue. Any videos without mid-roll ads still belong to me, and any videos with mid-roll ads don't. If you want to read a bit more about it, you can head over to that Community Post from a few days ago. I'm still trying to figure out the best course of action while I move through this, but I just want you to know how much I appreciate you being here. :) For this video, I decided to create my own music. I filmed myself recording a lot of it, and I'll probably pop that up on Patreon eventually. Thank you so much to all of my Patrons!! Thank you thank you thank you :) **If you are interested in booking a session with me or checking out the services I offer (I offer Distance Reiki Sessions) here's a link to my website: https://www.reikiwithanna.com/ A Special Thank You to Laurie Owen, Noemi Waymire, Roxy B, Jennifer Baker, Jolee Dubois, Cliff Lynn, and Barbara Sullivan :) Your support means the world to me! In Overwhelming Gratitude, Anna Join me on Patreon: / reikiwithanna Check Out my Webshop: https://www.reikiwithanna.com/shop Support the Channel: https://paypal.me/reikiwithanna?local... My New Vlog: • Late Spring Garden: Homemade Loquat &... My Other ASMR Channel (ASMR with Anna): / asmrwithanna My Reiki Master: Lune Innate https://www.luneinnate.com/ CRISIS HOTLINE: If you are in a personal crisis - please call now 1-800-273-TALK (8258) (24 hours hotline), or 1-800-LIFENET. *DISCLAIMER* I am not a medical professional. Do not use this video as a substitute for seeking medical advice. This is a spiritual practice. If you wish, it can be used to compliment your healthcare regime. It is in NO WAY meant to replace professional medical guidance and care.