Why Did Jesus Heal Some People, But Not Everyone? | Bible Reading Plan: Day 68, John 4-7
The question of why Jesus didn’t heal everyone is one of the most difficult in Scripture. In John 4-7, we see Jesus performing miracles—but also choosing not to heal certain people. Why? Was it about faith? Timing? Something deeper? And what does His question to the paralyzed man—“Do you want to be healed?”—really mean for us today? Let’s dig in. ✈️ Overview: • The Samaritan Woman vs. Nicodemus – Two opposite encounters. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus at night to avoid being seen. The Samaritan woman meets Jesus at noon to avoid others. Both misunderstand Jesus by taking Him literally. • Jesus & Women – The disciples are shocked that Jesus speaks to a woman, revealing how He elevates women in a culture that diminished them. • Signs, Not Just Miracles – John records only seven specific signs, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, where Jesus heals multitudes. These miracles serve as signposts revealing His identity, not just demonstrations of power. • The Question at Bethesda – Jesus asks a paralyzed man, “Do you want to be healed?” This isn’t about ability—it’s about willingness. Healing comes with responsibility. 🔎 Context Clues: • Healing as a Sign of New Creation – John’s Gospel uses miracles to point to something greater—not just physical healing, but spiritual renewal. • Jewish Views on Women – The Samaritan woman at the well highlights Jesus breaking cultural norms. Women were often dismissed, but Jesus dignifies and engages them in meaningful conversation. • Why Did Jesus Only Perform Seven Signs? – Unlike other Gospels, John carefully selects seven miracles to correlate with the seven days of creation, reinforcing the theme of new beginnings. 🤓 Nerdy Nuggets: • The Seven Signs of John’s Gospel – These miracles mirror the seven days of creation, showing Jesus as the One bringing new creation. • Water as a Key Theme – Jesus turns water into wine, meets the Samaritan woman at a well, heals a man at a pool, and walks on water—all pointing to spiritual cleansing and transformation. • Jesus’ “I AM” Statements – John’s Gospel includes seven “I AM” statements (e.g., “I am the Bread of Life”) that tie directly to God’s name in Exodus, revealing Jesus as divine. ✅ Timeless Truths: • Help vs. Healing – Many people want help, but not healing. Healing requires responsibility. • Supernatural Power Requires Action – Jesus tells the paralyzed man, “Get up.” He had to take a step of faith before the miracle happened. • Do You Want to Be Healed? – This question challenges us to stop making excuses and step into the life God has for us. Jesus’ miracles in John’s Gospel aren’t just about physical healing—they reveal who He is and what He came to do. The real question isn’t whether Jesus can heal—but whether we are willing to step into the healing He offers. 🚀 START HERE! Want to join us on the journey? Check out the Start Page! You can start from Episode 001 or jump in to follow along with us, your choice. (https://thebibledept.com) 📖 DOWNLOAD THE PLAN: Whether you’re new to the Bible or ready for a fresh start in 2025, this plan is for YOU. And the best part? The plan is FREE! Download it now and start your journey today. (https://www.thebibledept.com/plan) 🤓 WANT MORE BIBLE NERD RESOURCES? Check out https://armacourses.com for biblical literacy resources, courses, and a community to grow with! Learn the Bible for yourself with 60+ courses and counting for only $13 / Month. Also, your first 30 days are on us. Join ARMA for FREE at https://bit.ly/4gsqIeJ. 🐉 PRE-ORDER DR.MANNY'S NEW BOOK Crushing Chaos is available now for preorder, shipping on May 6th. Learn more & buy now at https://crushingchaos.com. 🍬 CHURCH CANDY MARKETING Get NEW church guests, EVERY Sunday without you having to stress over ads, algorithms, or figuring out Facebook or Instagram. Head over to https://churchcandy.com/manny to book a discovery call today! 👍 NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: The Bible Dept. | YouTube ( / @thebibledept ) The Bible Dept. | Spotify (https://bit.ly/4fz8zM8) The Bible Dept. | Apple Podcasts (https://bit.ly/4iL3MtE) 📱 STAY CONNECTED: The Bible Dept. | Instagram ( / thebibledepartment ) The Bible Dept. | Facebook (https://bit.ly/4fQYjz3) Dr. Manny Arango | Instagram ( / mannyarango ) ARMA | Instagram ( / armacourses ) 📨 EMAIL US! Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Email us at [email protected]. 💥 MORE RESOURCES: Amazon Store | Shop The Bible Dept. Essentials (https://www.amazon.com/shop/armacourses) Dr. Manny Arango’s Book | Brainwashed (https://mannyarango.com/brainwashed) Book Dr. Manny to Speak (https://mannyarango.com) 🌱 WE’RE PLANTING A CHURCH! The Garden | Houston, TX (https://thegarden.church) The Garden | Instagram ( / gardenchurchhtx ) The Garden | Facebook (https://bit.ly/49WI4Pe)