국립국악원 수요춤전:명인명무전 '조흥동'[2015.10.28.] 01. 진쇠춤

국립국악원 수요춤전:명인명무전 '조흥동'[2015.10.28.] 01. 진쇠춤

01 진쇠춤 진쇠라 함은 우리 고유의 타악기인 꽹과리를 말하며 가장 소리가 잘 나는 쇠, 즉 참쇠라는 뜻을 가리키는 말로 ‘진쇠춤’은 쇠를 들고 절묘하게 가락을 쳐서 소리를 내어 여러 신을 불러들이며 그 신들로 하여금 잡귀를 물러나게 하는 의미가 있다 조선시대에는 나라에 경사가 있을 때나 궁궐에서 만조백관이 모여 향연이 베풀어질 때 왕이 각 고을의 원님들을 불러 춤을 추게 하였던 것에서 유래한다 절제미 속에서 신명과 역동성을 느낄 수 있는 남성적 느낌이 잘 드러나는 춤이다 ○ 춤/조흥동 ○ 주최 및 촬영/국립국악원[National Gugak Center] Jo Heung-dong [2015 10 28 ] The Dignity and Romance of a Male Dancer Who Possesses Artistic Ability Represents The Symbol of Literati Born in Icheon, the Gyeonggido region, Jo Heung-dong began to learn how to dance from a young age From the shaman dance to pansori, Cho not only learnt dance, but also music and rhythms As time passed, his experience and ability to express himself in the artistic world became deeper and stronger Jo's dance is said to be important in that it stylized the primitive artistic values into a stage performance As a male dancer who formed many numbers of traditional movements, his hallyangmu represents the elegance and dignity of literati His dancing contains generosity, enthusiasm, and grace Even though many male dances are now becoming feminine or neutral, Jo stands his ground in keeping the masculinity with neat and delicate motions Jo served as the director of a National Dance Company, the Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company, and the chair of the Korean Dance Association Currently, Jo works as active member of the National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea, and is an art holder of the intangible property hallyangmu Cast Jo Heung-dong _ The National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea, Member Seoul City Intangible Cultural Property No 45 Hallyangmu, Art Holder Bak Ji-ae _ Korea National University of Arts, Lecturer Kim Tae-hun _ The National Gugak Center, Dance Theater, Dancer Baek Jin-hui _ The National Gugak Center, First Position Dancer Hwang Gyu-seon _ Important Intangible Cultural Property No 92, Taepyeongmu, Learner Music Traditional music group "Pan"(Director: Yu In-sang)