Thursday September 9th: Morning Prayers Remembering All Prayer Requests

Thursday September 9th: Morning Prayers Remembering All Prayer Requests

Details about Brother Sean visit: http://www.monasteryofsaintfrancisher.... Thursday September 9th: Morning Prayers Remembering All Prayer Requests. The Tau Community of Interfaith Franciscans founded by Christ & St.Francis April 2008 as an open faith community embracing Celtic Interspiritual Franciscan Spirituality-celebrating diverse beliefs, cultures and traditions. Although we originate from the Liberal Catholic Christian faith tradition, but now include people of other faiths as well as spiritual seekers. We respect the God/Dess within you as we Embrace- Nurture- Celebrate being with a Divine Loving God on the edge.If The Spirit of the Universal Christ & St Francis of Assisi is guiding your heart t come and Join our online Franciscan Interfaith Community. In 1966, I followed my heart at the ripe age of 16 years old to serve oGod as a nursing monk. This entailed leaving my family and friends with many tears. Today, you can serve God from where you live in your monastery without walls, by embracing God in those around you. On Christmas Day Morning December 2010 that was soon to change and the Lord showed the way and now Br Sean is no longer a spiritual refugee but a soul living a simple life as an enclosed contemplative who embraces Celtic Franciscan Interspirituality from his monastery without walls. in the South Lakes, UK. Enjoy this video as every word comes from a heart that was battered and broken but now the heart is free to just be…..If The Spirit of the Universal Christ & St Francis of Assisi is guiding your heart to come and Join our online Franciscan Interfaith Community, then please visit our website at: Shalom - Peace -Namaste - OmShanti - Salaam - Pax et Bonum -Deus Amoris Est -Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo-Beannacht /Blessing-Ad Maiorem Dei Gloria -Sith - Rauha - Friede  Brother Sean Mary TCOIF Pastoral Ambassador for the Tau Franciscan Community Br Sean Mary Live with Morning Prayer at 08.00AM GMT-LONDON    / brotherseanbradley   About the Vision from God for Tau’s hermits: Br’ Sean’s Monastery of Saint Francis (UK)